Haven't done a post for a long time, and maybe, just maybe, it's time to post some follow-ups. Just in case that anybody is reading this blog.
Well when do we start... the last post "about me" was that I joined the Army and was going to to the jump school. Turned out that just attending the jump school doesn't make you a proper paratrooper, not at all in my opinion. The ROC paratroopers has long lost it's capabilities as a fierce troops. Nowadays, only some of the few who are in the airborne assault squadron (temp. trans) or have been through the scout/sniper trainings still live up to the spirits of spec warriors. The rest of us were just a bunch of dumb-ass low-life camouflage-wearing posers who's done five times of static line from the side hatch of a C-130. Kind of knew this before I went in... but actually experiencing it all is still frustrating. It was a world where image out weighs the real stuff; and frankly, it's not like the image was that good either.
5 週前